Ukraine Appeal

Hi All,


€2,467 raised! 

A big thank you to all our members who came together and raised a total of €2,467 for those persons affected by the war in the Ukraine. To raise this amount of money in one afternoon is an incredible achievement and would not have been possible without your support. 

A big shout out to our brilliant coaching team who donated so much of their time organising and running the afternoon activities, our wonderful face painters who were non-stop painting all afternoon and all those who helped in the kitchen where many, many cups of tea and coffee were served. We had a busy photographer snapping pictures all afternoon and we are very grateful for his time. 

Thank you to all our members who donated raffle prizes, the raffle was an amazing success thanks in no small part to your generosity. 

A huge thank you to all who baked, our clubhouse smelled and looked fantastic with all the baked goods on display. We had a lot of return customers as the temptation for the sweet treats brought people up the stairs again and again. 

And lastly thank you to our corporate sponsors who included,, Kingsign Signmakers, Barry's Tea, Dunnes Stores Curraheen Road, Montessori Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh, Dialogue Cafe Wilton, Gallo & Galetti, Buono Fuorno and

All money raised has been donated to the Irish Red Cross Ukraine Relief Fund. 

The Social Committee  


Written by BLTC Staff Member

Let us inspire, unite, and bring out your best on the court. Trust our experienced professionals to make your time at BLTC unforgettable.

May 17, 2022

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