Dear Members,
For anyone who hasn't been graded before, in particular new members to the club we are hosting a “Player's Grading evening” on next Friday 17th June from 7pm to 8pm.
Grading is aimed at members who wish to play competitive tennis & as with all of the Senior Open tournaments, you need to be Graded & register with Tennis Ireland for a PIN no. in order to enter competitions.
The format of the grading is based on our Head Coach Conor Twomey observing how members play on court, so please don't feel any pressure it's not a competition it's just so Conor can watch how one plays/hits etc.
The charge for this event is € 5 (payable on the evening) & if we could ask everyone who pre-registers to arrive at 6.45pm on Friday 17th June.
Anyone interested in registering for Grading, please complete your details on the following link;
If you have any questions about grading please text/what's app our Club Captain Rosita (087 9838015).
Kind regards,
BLTC Committee