Covid Compliance / Return to Play Communication to BLTC members – Latest TI guidance and protocols from May 10th 2021

To Bishopstown Lawn Tennis Club Members


Tennis Ireland have just released an updated version of their latest ‘Return to Play Protocols’ which will come into effect from Monday May 10th in line with the Government Roadmap to ease Covid restrictions  This document can be found on the TI website (link below) and we have also attached a copy of same.   Again we would ask that all members take time to read this;  please feel free to contact any member of our BLTC Covid 19 Compliance sub-committee if you have any questions.


The great news for everyone is that Doubles play can commence from the 10th May.  Adult group coaching sessions can also reconvene in line with the guidelines.  We would ask everyone to continue to comply with everything summarised in our previous Covid compliance communication, issued on April 18th.    Again,  to reiterate that all correct names must be included in each court booking made through our Club Manager 365 Online booking system.   Members are also permitted to sign in a visitor from 10th in line with their membership guest quota but the visitor’s name must also be included in the Court booking (Guest) and the accompanying member must retain contact details.


Just a reminder that all membership renewal fees are due by May 31st –  unfortunately anyone who has not paid by then will be blocked from the live membership database and therefore unable to book a court or have their name included in a booking


Very good news for all our members and we thank you sincerely for your contributions in recent weeks to getting us back up and running again.   We hope you enjoy many games ahead and some fine weather as well.


Denis Buckley on behalf of the Bishopstown Lawn Tennis Club Committee

Written by BLTC Staff Member

Let us inspire, unite, and bring out your best on the court. Trust our experienced professionals to make your time at BLTC unforgettable.

May 07, 2021

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