Dear Members,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention an important matter regarding the use of the guest option when booking courts at our club. We have conducted a thorough review and found that there have been instances where the rules around bringing guests have not been followed correctly.

As a reminder, we have a strict policy in place to ensure the safety of all our members, particularly our younger members. To that end, we kindly request that you adhere to our GUEST PROCEDURE when bringing guests to the club. This involves providing the contact details of the guest, the member who brought them, the time and date of their visit, and the 5 euro fee paid

We value your cooperation in maintaining a safe and secure environment for all our members and guests. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

BLTC Guest Procedure 

1, When booking a court select the “guest” option when selecting your opponent. Fill in the guest's name in the field.  
2, When you arrive at the club, before your game please fill in the sign-in book in the lobby of the clubhouse, this is required for child safety.

3, Place 5 euros in one of the envelopes provided and put your name and date on the envelope.

4, post the envelope into the postbox provided next to the desk in the lobby.

5, A guest is welcome at the club 3 times and after that is required to join if they wish to play at BLTC again.


If you have any questions please you can contact me at

Kind regards,


Written by BLTC Staff Member

Let us inspire, unite, and bring out your best on the court. Trust our experienced professionals to make your time at BLTC unforgettable.

August 01, 2024

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