BLTC EGM announcement

Dear Members, 


In line with our 2022 Operating Model, the current BLTC Committee continues to work hard on behalf of all of our members and stakeholders. We are currently focused on one very important topic before year end,  that of our active Club Trustees.  This perhaps has been an outstanding issue for many years prior to this present Committee taking over but has become more important to resolve now  due to our development plans. We need the help of our members here in the coming weeks and hopefully the following provides some context. 


Typically the assets / property of any Sports Club are vested in Trustees who oversee the property ‘in trust’ on behalf of all members. At present,  there are six original Trustees listed on Club Documents going back well over 20 years but there has been little or no interaction with this Trustee group for a long time. One very important point is that these six trustees were the signatures on a 99 year land lease, dated 3rd February 2003, on behalf of BLTC members. The current Committee has managed to make contact with five of these original Trustees, with the help of some of our members. Apart from one active member, the others have not had any contact with the Club for many years and we have established that none of them wish to remain on as Trustees. The Club needs active Trustees going forward, similar to any other Club, and this is the important issue that we now need to address.  Regardless of our Development Plan, we also need our current 99 year Lease to placed legally in the trust of active Trustees  


We received legal advice on how to do this properly, quickly and smoothly.  We also received legal input on some changes that we should make to our BLTC Constitution that will allow us to retire previous Trustees and elect new ones both now and anytime into the future for the benefit of future Committees.   Similar to what happened at our Club AGM in early Feb 22,  we do need approval from a quorum of members for any Constitution changes through either an AGM or EGM.     Our 2022/2023 AGM will likely be scheduled for end of January 2023 but we cannot afford to wait until then as we need to have new active Trustees in place before our development plans can proceed to the next stage.     

In line with our existing Constitution, we are therefore providing advance notice to all members of an EGM event that we plan to hold on Wednesday evening  December 7th at 8:15pm in the Club house.     


This EGM is only focused on the above topic and should take no more than 30 minutes to conclude.  More info to follow in the coming days including a copy of the proposed changes to our Club Constitution that you can review at your leisure. 

If you have any questions regarding this please do contact us.   We appreciate your support as always,


The BLTC Committee

Written by BLTC Staff Member

Let us inspire, unite, and bring out your best on the court. Trust our experienced professionals to make your time at BLTC unforgettable.

November 22, 2022

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